Author Topic: Savings club?  (Read 3096 times)


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Savings club?
« on: May 20, 2005, 06:37:36 PM »
Do SJSC do any sort of savings deal, something like a Christmas club, Where I can pay small amounts as I have them and build up a credit balance?


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Re: Savings club?
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2005, 08:49:29 PM »
What I'm doing is putting a few quid/euros each month into a Credit Union account which is ONLY to be used to buy a new Thorn Raven.
I'm sure you could even try your local Post Office!
But no touching 'till you have enough to buy your bike.


spudz [8D]


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Re: Savings club?
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2005, 05:52:25 PM »
Trouble is Spudz that I can't leave alone as I always find an excuse to spend what I have!


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Re: Savings club?
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2005, 07:12:55 AM »
For Shame !!
You must exercise a stronger will power !!
Think of the lovely Thorn Bike that awaits you if you succeed.[;)]

I tried to win the lottery a few times, actually won 500 quid once.
However 'she that must be obeyed' had the winnings spent before I had stopped jumping around with glee at having won something .!! [:(]

To be slightly topical:
'The Force will be Strong(downhill rush), oh Jedi Cyclist, if you resist Temptation'
Mind you, Oscar Wilde could "... resist anything but Temptation"

Happy Saving[:D]


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Re: Savings club?
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2005, 07:51:03 PM »
I am on one of my frequent "Stop Smoking" attempts and, although the money isnt actually Spare, I am going to put a few quid a week away every week that I don't smoke.


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Re: Savings club?
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2005, 06:28:34 AM »
A new bike and healthier lungs, what more incentive could a person want.
Go  for it !!