Regarding Dan's comments on outside storage, a few years ago I bought a 1994(?) vintage Bridgestone MB-6 for $5 USD. Had been stored for over a decade outdoors. How did I know that? The owner had to saw down a two inch diameter (5cm) tree that had grown up through the frame.
I replaced some cables, the grips, plastic saddle, tires, tubes, chain, bottom bracket and front shifter. Took 3 days to get it all re-greased and ready to roll. A third of that time was getting the bottom bracket out of it, another third applying frame saver inside the tubing, and the rest of the time for everything else. Although tempted to replace the steel handlebar that was badly lacking paint with an Aluminum one, I decided to keep the original with the original patina.
It is a great utility bike for running errands. I store it outside where it is most convenient. A plastic bag over a plastic saddle to reduce weathering and a plastic bag over the tire driven Union generator and light to keep the water out. (The Union was not original to it.)