What wonderful news; I do so appreciate hearing the "the rest of the story" and learning of such a wonderful outcome for you and your Catalyst.
Truly, it does not now surprise me; Thorn have done a wonderful job of customer support and -- yes! -- they surely do honor their warranty.
Warranties are like any insurance policy...we tend to zone-out a bit about them when buying the objects of our desire, and only when things go pear-shaped (as they can with any product) do they come to mind. In reality, this is a vital part of the purchase, and so often we are disappointed to find warranties are just weasel-words on paper.
Not so for Thorn. They truly mean what they say about warranty coverage, and this makes purchasing a Thorn an easy choice. Their failure rate is so low they can afford to back every bike frame (the very heart of the bike) they sell new in this way. If some flaw in the frame does appear -- even years later -- they are there for the original buyer, johnny-on-the-spot with coverage from new. This kind of coverage just does not happen so often in today's world where profit is the bottom line, but it happens in Thorn's world, where the customer can confidently count on backup in that very rare event of flaw or failure. For me, it makes buying a Thorn the only choice.
So glad to hear you're "back in the saddle again", James, and so pleased to hear of the wonderful outcome. Congratulations to you, and kudos again to Thorn!
All the best,