Author Topic: Front light angle  (Read 4612 times)


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Front light angle
« on: January 22, 2005, 10:14:27 pm »
I have a schmidt dynamo with the front light just above the wheel.

This is a 'seeing' light.  I have another light on the handlebars aimed slightly above horizontal for cars to see me.

I can not find the optimum angle for the hub powered light.  I want to be able to see potholes and icy patches in the road with enough time to avoid them.  If I point the light a long way ahead I can not see enough detail.  Also I have to ride by memory once the beam has passed a hazzard.

If I point the light closer I can see all of the details in the road but do not have time to react to them.

How far ahead do other people point their lights?


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Re: Front light angle
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2005, 01:15:56 pm »
I use a B+M Lighting system on the Raven. (Dynotech 6 generator, Lumotec round+ with 3w bulb in front, toplight D+ on the back). I have the headlamp loose enough to adjust without tools if necessary but usually aim it about 20ft in front. I ride on unlit roads and find this to be perfectly good for up to about 25mph, with enough beam to pick out reflective signs way in the distance. As for being seen I know I must be visible from a few hundred yards away because waving my hand in front of the lens* usually gets oncoming cras drivers to dip their lights.

* This is how poor people with sidewall dynamos flash their lights!


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Re: Front light angle
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2005, 04:51:07 pm »
Thanks for the reply Tony.  I'll try it at 20ft again but I did not feel comfortable at this speed.  The roads here have lots of potholes etc. and I want to be able to see these with at least enough time to prepare myself for them if not to avoid them.  Maybe I need to eat more carrots!  The "blinkie" on the handlebars is there really for cars to see me when I am at a junction and the dynamo light is therefore not lit.

I'll try waving my hand in front of the dynamo light though.



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Re: Front light angle
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2005, 10:15:44 am »
On my way to work this morning I realised that it's actually focused at around 15ft, not 20. Perhaps I get away with it because most of my night riding is on roads I know well so I'm at least expecting potholes, drains, roadkill etc. at certain places.
 If you're running a SON wouldn't it make sense to fit two headlamps and aim them at different spots?


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Re: Front light angle
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2005, 07:13:23 pm »
Yes, I suppose it would.  I do not know much about this - I knew less when I got the hub - if I use 2 lamps do they need to be the same power and can I turn one off when riding on well lit streets?