Author Topic: Sherpa planing Newbie questions  (Read 7860 times)


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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2010, 10:48:02 pm »
Hi Bill,
Some nice stove pics. I used to have a petrol version of the Optimus in the above top pic(far right).
Sold it to buy a Svea 123 petrol, which I still have, somewhere.
Remember giving the brass a good polish before and after each camping trip. Happy Days. :)
Back on topic, be sure to post some pics of the Sherpa when it's finished.
mike will you make watlington in july. ;)

Bill C

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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2010, 01:02:07 am »
thanks for that bill man that's one nifty looking stove obviously there's no danger of it exploding the flames seem very near that tank. >:(you done a great job on restoring it.
i had a look at the optimus svea looks good but a wee bit expensive for me at the moment.
HEY MIKE i'll buy yours seen as your not useing it. ;D

hi jags
no chance of her exploding she is a paraffin burner so safe as houses or should that be tents?
there is a heat shield but i didn't fit it as i was taking the pics for the stove forum i am a member of

if your seriously after a 123r i have a few  ::) , i dare say i could spare one of them, i could probably even find you a globetrotter pan set and handle for it
being a newbie i'm a bit worried about posting things as i don't know what the forum rules are on such things, but if i haven't over stepped the mark pm me if it's of any interest to you, and if i have over stepped the mark i apologise

the globetrotter panset is on the right with a 123r  inside but i prefer the one on the left it's a camping gaz twister pan set 2x750ml pans that can be used as a double boiler

the last pic shows them set up for use (the camping gaz pot set is in double boiler mode)

hi mikerr  the petrol optimus 111 is a 111b i have a couple of them but i prefer the paraffin version, i used to have about 50 111's of different types but i have been gradually reducing them, so far i have sold twenty of my stove collection to get the sherpa   :'( nearly there now and no regrets so far

atb Bill


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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2010, 12:46:11 pm »
hi bill thanks again this is all great stuff ,i would be very interested in buying one with the pots the full monty ;D BUT not just yet im a bit tight with money at the moment work's not great over here in ireland .
can you give me an idea how much it would cost i would appreciate it.

Bill C

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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2010, 01:53:22 pm »
Hi Jags

if someone walked in my door and offered to swap the svea 123r and pan set for a pack of brooks honey bar tape i'd be up for it,
i have a bit of a reputation on the stove forum of being a spawny git when it comes to buying my stoves i never pay top whack and have bought most of my stoves at ridiculous prices, the Radius 43 in the pics i posted i picked up for £17.99 BIN lol the last one i saw sell on the bay went for just under £200 and it was rough compared to mine

the weird bit is i had no interest in stoves other than for camping so had a big double gas burner with grill
then i bought my Klein, once i had that i was too scared to leave it locked up even just to grab a quick cuppa so decided if i got a small stove i'd be able to have a brew when ever i fancied one and stay with the bike,
so i bought a coleman 442 used it for a few weeks decided i didn't like it so i tried a swedish arny trangia that was ok but to slow to boil, so the quest started to find the best liquid fuelled stove for cycling
somewhere along the line the bike took back stage to the stoves and i ended up with a couple of hundred stoves and went from 4 bikes down to one,
the wheel has turned full circle now and i'm lucky enough to have a load of stoves that i have had my fun with and if i sell some of them on ebay i can make enough to buy the Sherpa without having to worry about the cost to much,hence me wanting a Ripio too the stoves turned out to be the best investment i have ever made, but i have far to many  ::)

i have another 4 years to amass another collection before the boys are old enough to be left to fend for themselves and the collection will be sold to fund a tour of a lifetime (well tour of my lifetime anyway)
btw if they can't be trusted to be left on there own then they are coming with me, but i don't think they will enjoy it much

i never sell my stoves to mates for profit if i want to make money ebay is the way to do it,
so you can have the stove for the honey bar tape as that is what the stove and pans cost me to get
you are the established member and don't know me from Adam so if you'd like it i could send it to you and if your happy with it paypal the money or send me some bar tape (if i haven't bought some by then),

being the forum newbie i feel the onus is on me to prove my honesty/trustworthiness so i'm cool with sending it for your approval if it isn't what you want/need/expected send it back and all it's cost you is the postage to see if it's suitable

btw i can't send today as i have to play father Christmas and pack and send out 5 stoves that i have sold this week, the rest went yesterday

before you decide i'll take some pics of her running so that you can see it isn't a pup,
it seems i have turned this thread into a stovie thread so i suppose it's a good job it's a thread i started or i'd be in trouble for going off topic lol
but there is no point in having a touring bike if you can't make yourself a brew and a meal so to me  bikes stoves and camping gear all seem to be part and parcel of the same thing we all are aiming for "getting out there and having fun with our bikes"
let me know what you think and we can sort something out

atb Bill
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 01:54:55 pm by Bill C »


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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2010, 11:12:42 pm »
bill it would be a hassle for me to sus out honey tape ,but wait how about a barbag instead ;)
i bought a karimor barbag last year but only usud a dozen times .my daughter bought me an ortlieb barbag for christmas so the karimor was put into the back room ;D
it's a great little bag not waterproof btw but its in perfect condition has the fitting's black in colour,i think i paid around 30 euro for it,look well on that new sherpa  ;)
what do you think .
oh listen your no way stepping out of line on this forum post all the photos you like .

Bill C

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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2010, 05:28:30 pm »
Hi Jags
really sorry about the delay in getting back to you
i'm not after another handlebar bag mate sorry as i have bought a shed load of leather bags this last week or so, well they were really good value
i now have a S/B in and brown also the tool bags that fit the handle bars in honey and black so  my bikes will have a bag each ( gear tart alert  ::)  )

BUT if you want the stove then i'll send it over to you and you can sort me when you have more work on if you like, (no hurry no worry on it as it is just sitting here unused and i have plenty of others)

i have raised the cash to pay for the frame and most other bit's so i ain't to worried about the money,
it's been a struggle getting the cash sorted as i have bought a few more stoves along the way  ::) lol but if it wasn't for my addiction/obsession then i couldn't have got this far on the build

i have phoned Thorn and mentioned that i bought the thumb shifters and am now going over to drops (and that they are unused) they said send them back
and  they will sort me the bar end shifters yippee lol i thought i was going to have to splash out on another set of shifters
they seem like a nice bunch at SJS and customer service seems very good, i just wish they had a few more colours on offer as i'd be happy as a pig in ,,,, if i could have the tonka yellow the new Nomads come in 8)

hopefully the cash will be transferred from paypal to my paypal debit card tomorrow or Friday and i'll place the order straight away
they have the 585l in stock, so not much left to get now,
i'm after a new seat post as i'd like one with a decent bit of layback, so i have been in contact with a firm in Ireland that i bought my velo orange stem from and they are going to get back to me on a VO Gran Cru
also bought one of those locking headset spacers so that i can keep altering the bar height without any grief, i'll ride it with the steerer bare until i have the bars set right
sorry if i seem a bit gushy but the bike is now starting to be a reality instead of a pipe dream and a box of bits

btw i haven't forgotten the pics of the bags i just haven't had time yet, but the moment i do i'll upload the pics

atb Bill


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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2010, 07:49:55 pm »
bill your a gent how could i not take an offer like that up thanks .tell me what size jersey do you take i have a nice bicycle line large in blue perfect nick i never wore it  and i'll stick a nice ras hat in the me your address and i'll post it off as soon as i can . ;)

Bill C

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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2010, 10:09:00 pm »
hi Jags pm sent

btw the frame is ordered and i have tracked down a VO seat post in the UK so all systems are go for next week  8)
hopefully will be posting pics soon

atb Bill


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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2010, 10:43:12 pm »
thank's a million for that bill your a gent ;)
pm sent.


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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2010, 10:34:29 pm »
so where are you bill  ;)


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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2010, 07:42:08 pm »
where the hell this bill c go to mystery man,
there was me thinking i would be making tea on my new stove a well not to worry
stranger things happened at sea i suppose ;D ;D

Bill C

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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2010, 02:41:55 pm »
Hi Jags

really sorry for falling off the face of the planet mate, been up to my eyes in stuff
the stove HAS been posted i'll pm you the tracking number in a minute
the bikes built and being ridden fairly hard ;) what a beauty never thought for one minute that it would be this good
i'll get some pics taken and upload them asap
again really sorry for the disappearing act but it's not just on here , today was my first post on the stove forum in 3 months i think they thought i had gone awol for good lol

atb Bill


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Re: Sherpa planing Newbie questions
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2010, 10:53:36 pm »
good stuff bill glad your back look forward to trying out that stove cheers
jags ;)