I think it's also important to remember that the Sherpa and Raven are not necessarily bikes that are unduly heavy. Yes, the frame weight is fixed (for size), and are capable of taking a lot of punishment and a wide range of uses. But careful choic of components can make the total bike a lot lighter than people expect . . . . yes, at a cost above the 'headline' price.
My Sherpa has lightweight wheels, 1.6 Supreme tyres, and a lightweight Vega rack - I can't recall the exact weight, but it is a lot lighter that many of the standard 'touring' cycles on sale at comparable prices in the shops. Equally, if I fitted heavier duty wheels, tyres, forks and rack, it would be fine for heavy touring.
All the bikes mentioned above were excellent ion their way, I had a Ripio for 2 years and loved it, only sold it on when my riding became more lightweight / road focused. But they only appealed to a niche market of people looking beyond the price at the quality and versatility - a shame.
Good luck