Author Topic: First 100 Miles  (Read 2706 times)


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First 100 Miles
« on: July 21, 2007, 08:43:57 AM »

I've got my first Thorn and I'm trying to run it in before I go on a touring holiday in a couple of weeks.  I've done 80k so far, and will have done the recommended 160k before I go (i.e. to check the hub isn't the 1/100 that goes pear-shaped).

So, could people give me tips on what to expect from the hub in terms of noise/friction and how this should be changing/improving over the next 100k... 1000k ... etc

So far gear 7 is noisier and getting worse - should I be worried?  It does sound like gears meshing together, but is noticable even when pedaling.

General first thoughts though are "wow" - the hub is lovely and I've definitely made the right choice.



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Re: First 100 Miles
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 02:14:27 PM »
Mine has done about 2500miles and I can report 8-14 are completely silent, 6 and 7 are now more of a loud purr and 1-5 are quiet enough to be not noticed when straining hard to get up hills!  I think 6 and 7 do get a bit quieter with time, but you also get used to them, certainly the friction effect through the pedals seems less.  Mine's also ready for an oil change and folks here have reported that this can also make it sound quieter.


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Re: First 100 Miles
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 03:32:14 PM »
People’s experiences do seem to vary.  Either there are some slight differences in the hubs, people’s perceptions are different, the hubs respond different to different riding styles or some combination of these.  The changes are also so gradual it’s hard to notice what changed when.
The one thing that is consistently reported is that they keep improving, at 15,000 miles mine runs as smooth a silk. The noise from 7 is still noticeable and gear 12 is considerably louder than anything else above 7, a shame as it’s often used.
I was advised to change oil after the first 1,000 miles and immediately noticed a difference, which I haven’t after later changes.