I know you’ve checked the chain, but to me it’s still the number one suspect. Put a new one on, if it doesn’t sort it, swap them back and keep the new one till needed, nothing lost. You only need one pin to have dried out and sometimes (though rarely) nothing short of an oil bath will cure it.
I doubt it’s the BB, when they’ve gone on me they’ve made more of a grinding noise, though it’s only happened twice so I’m no expert. Maybe now’s the time to get the removal tools and a spare. Again, if it doesn’t cure it you’ll be ready for when it does need replacing, better to learn how to do these things when it’s not critical.
Couple of other possibilities, squeeze your spokes together in pairs, occasionally you get two rubbing where they cross. Check the ends of your brake cables are neatly tucked out of the way. Change your shoes – I know it sounds silly, but I had a clicking cleat for weeks without realizing what it was, I’d spent hours looking for it on the bike.
Good luck, such things drive me mad, it’s always hard to locate the source, often it’s not coming from anywhere near where you thought.