The only difference between your Raven and most other bikes is the gearing system. There are a few routine jobs, I’m sure you could find a bike shop to do them, but really they’re so simple it's worth learning to do yourself. None of them are as complex as changing a tyre.
Chain tensioning - It doesn't sound complicated, it’s even easier than it sounds.
Oil change - if you can turn an allen key you can do it, just follow the instructions
Changing chainring and sprocket - both very simple, though the sprocket needs a special tool
Changing gear cable - this is the most fiddly, though it's not hard, I dreaded doing it, the instructions look complicated, once you've opened it up it's pretty logical. Best done at home at the recommended 10,000 mile mark, rather than at the roadside.
I don’t think I’ve forgotten anything. Hopefully it’ll never need more than that, if it does it’ll be a specialist job, involving a return to SJS or Rohloff.