Author Topic: Expedition bike photo album with 3 Thorns  (Read 2887 times)


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Expedition bike photo album with 3 Thorns
« on: March 14, 2006, 05:58:06 PM »
Hello fellow Thorn owners, Robin and anyone else tuned in from Thorn.

Just a few days ago I started a photo gallery that I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing.

Check it out:  

High quality photos of loaded touring bikes (for the gallery, it must be four panniers or two up front and a trailer). Big, clear shots from the side that are about the bike without the rider on it, and taken while on tour. Sorry, no obviously staged shots. I plan to have over 100 bikes in the gallery within a year. This shouldn't be a problem as I've received 31 in just 8 days.

As you can see, there are already three Thorns among the 31 current images. I don't want the gallery to become overly Thorny but I thought there may be someone on the forum that's done an expedition lately and beautifully captured their bike.

The gallery is becomming very popular with about 500 page visits a day which is pretty good for a site that doesn't show for searches in google and such.

Join in if you have something that qualifies and share the link from
time to time.  

Tailwinds! [8D]

Ron & Nancy


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Re: Expedition bike photo album with 3 Thorns
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 08:56:49 AM »
Some great photos! Thanks for the link


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Re: Expedition bike photo album with 3 Thorns
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2006, 01:28:29 PM »
That's an interesting site Miles2go, another lunchtime spent browsing and dreaming.
Hopefully I’ll have a photo to add in the summer after my Raven has been used to something like its potential, though I note it won't be the first on there.


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Re: Expedition bike photo album with 3 Thorns
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2006, 10:28:56 PM »

After the touring season is underway I think the gallery will really take off, as far as the number of bikes is concerned. The hit count I'm getting tells me it's already taken off as far as viewership goes.

I look forward to your submission. Make it count! [:D]



Originally posted by PH

That's an interesting site Miles2go, another lunchtime spent browsing and dreaming.
Hopefully I’ll have a photo to add in the summer after my Raven has been used to something like its potential, though I note it won't be the first on there.



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Re: Expedition bike photo album with 3 Thorns
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2006, 08:20:52 PM »
Nice one! Great photos and a wonderful variety too. There seem to be a lot more than three Thorns now, though (I even recognized one of them and the owner!)

On the main site, I particularly enjoyed the specificity of the submission instructions!

One question, though. There are two bikes called "VSF" - I recognized them as Fahrradmanufaktur bikes. My wife and I each have one. They're available in London at Bikefix (see - they've got the T400 as well as the T400 Rohloff and several others).

Wouldn't it be more in keeping with the spirit of the site to list them as "VSF Fahrradmanufaktur? [:D]