Any tips/ideas/suggestions?
Yes! Fearghal, I realize you're new to the Forum so you might not have seen Richie Thornger's posts, and would suggest those as an ideal first-stop for reading, given your desired line of travel. Richie's posts and blog have already been a terrific resource for the Forum's members, and can be found here: ...and blog here... has also embarked on his own tour to similar places: ...with his own blog here: ...and online gallery here: are friendly fellows in the midst of grand Adventures of their own. Right now, they're within miles of each other, and I wonder if they might somehow meet up. Best of luck to each of these members; they're in our thoughts.
If I can pass on one lesson from afar based on their journeys to date: Be sure you've got your visas and entry papers all lined-up well in advance, and take care to note the expiry dates for remaining in-country wherever you might be, else there can be Consequences that are unpleasant or downright terrifying to contemplate. The great news is both riders have found an abundance of truly good and friendly people along their route, and have been treated wonderfully, making fast friends of complete strangers. You'll never be short of Adventure, but the thought of nice people along the way is probably as big a "draw" as the Unknown.
If you have questions about your route as you progress, please give a shout and chances are good someone here can offer suggestions to ease your way.
Thanks for the planned updates on foodstuffs. A number of my cycling friends and acquaintances are vegetarian or vegan and will be just as interested in how you fare. All best luck to you in every aspect of your journey!