Hey Y'all!
We just wanted to post a little thanks for sharing our site (
We were sad to see though that our friends over at Go Bicycle Touring didn't get a mention. They have an encyclopedic list of all bike touring websites in English, with profiles and tips and suggestions, it's a fantastic place:
http://www.gobicycletouring.info As for visas and money, it really depends on where you go. We found in eastern and southern Africa that visas could easily be arranged at the border, though they could be pricey - and for Mozambique, it is definitely worth getting the visa in advance. For money, it all depends on how you live. If you are camping in the bush and living like a local, you can get by on just a few dollars a day. But the moment you want some comfort (coffee, a nice bed, internet, etc.), in Africa at least you have to pay. Asia on the other hand has the best reputation on this front - people say it is comfortable and cheap and all you can dream of as a touring cyclist.
Otherwise, check out those websites for more, and remember most important of all: don't plan too much! If you think too much, you'll get nervous, you'll never go. Don't look, just leap, you'll be fine!
And Willywolfy - do you have a site for your trip? We'd love to see what you're up to!
Cheers y'all,
Dave and Anna
The Permacyclists