Author Topic: eXp is here!  (Read 30555 times)


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Re: eXp is here!
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2004, 04:30:47 AM »
For the record ...

1. Even without Google, I have been aware of IT's prodigous outpourings on bicycle purchase matters for some months now. When such a public purchase decision turns out as it has, surely public comment on it is not out of place?

2. Actually, I don't regret anything from my previous post. I reiterate it! I may not contribute often in forums like this, but when I do I mean what I say. With 18 sizes to choose from, a prudent, well-researched purchaser should find one that fits.

3. I would add just one thing: With regard to research and prudence, quality not quantity is the essential thing.

Best wishes, Russell



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Re: eXp is here!
« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2004, 11:21:29 PM »
Excuse me from being a tad ignorant on the bike issues but I had a cycle for 15 (cough) years!!! and foundit very nice to ride, nothing overly special at least it was no handbuild job but a nice lightweight. I then had to replace it due to a naughty car driver, and then the seach continued. Then I by chance found THORNS. I had tried one or 2 bikes which didn't feel right, so I went out and took the measurements off my old one: seat to stem, seat to handlebar,  height, wheels etc, weight was rough but what was I was comfortable with. I had these details with me when i went searching for a bike. NOW the search for me was new, I had no idea about bikes but just common sense made me take as many details as possible to fit something similar!! Perhaps some people rush in to quick knowing how reliable Thorns return policy is and don't spend sufficient time covering all those things.


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Re: eXp is here!
« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2004, 10:15:45 AM »
Ah, yes... but unless you have tried every combination and size of things, how would you know what is the best for you?  There is also a possibility that what seems fine on one bike may not seem so fine on another due to slight differences in weight, centre of gravity, etc.

Robin Thorn

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Re: eXp is here!
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2004, 10:32:41 AM »
Just for the record, IT's frame was returned to us @SJSC by him @ his expense, he's had his refund. We've not fallen out and further I NOW understand why his b/b height felt too big, he was using HUGE Big Apple tyres, right @ the upper end of the bikes design spec (and incidentally very heavy)
The frame was snapped up as a complete bike by an eager purchaser who was very pleased to avoid the 12 week wait for an EXP in his 1st choice of colour. I've no report of how he got on, but no news is generally good news!
Thats IT for me on this topic, i'm off on holiday for 10 day, won't be even touching a computer.....well actually off sailing so i WILL be looking @ the satnav, but NOT the internet!