Author Topic: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3  (Read 6209 times)


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Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« on: July 02, 2010, 12:23:06 PM »
This is a thought I have had for some time and I'd welcome any advice.  I currently have an audax mk3 with drop bars.  However I very rarely use the drops, preferring to ride on the tops or brake hoods.  I have considered changing the bars to a pair of thorn comfort bars instead; the issue I face is the brakes and gears.
I run a tiagra front chainset and mech, 105 rear mech, and A550 deep drop brakes.  The current levers are sora sti with integrated gear change.

I'm sure it's possible to find levers/gear changers for this combination, but which ones?  Would deore levers do the trick?

I have seen a couple of members with flat barred club tours, so hopefully it's a possibility??


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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 01:10:29 PM »
Pretty straightforward, in fact.  Shimano makes dedicated road flat-bar shifters for 8, 9, and 10 spd.  You simply need a set of the 440-9spd (check the number, can't recall if that's exactly it!).  I may be mistaken, but I think you don't want to use 'mtb' shift pods; the rear change would be fine, but I think the front has a slightly different 'pull' (if that makes sense), so better to stick with the 'road' shifters.
Brake levers:  you don't want Deore/mtb levers; these are for v-brakes -- completely different cable pull ratio.  I believe that Avid 'speed dials' (variable leverage) can work, but probably easier just to buy (again) dedicated flat-bar levers for dual-pivot calipers; Shimano makes 'em, and I'm sure there's others.
Finally, just a thought:  why comfort/riser bars?  Why not really good quality 'flat' bars with bar-ends?  Pretty much duplicates the tops/hoods position.


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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2010, 06:56:24 PM »
I have ridden with comfort bars for the last 4 years and found they leave my shoulders feeling relaxed. My bike was stolen a month ago and I have been using the 'old' bike with straights recently and not enjoying it a lot. My new replacement bike has just arrived with comfort bars and it is a relief to get back to using them.

To put it in perspective I am 63 with a not very flexible back, although I can manage to play tennis and badminton. I did find the straight bars very comfortable when I was 20 years younger, but not now!

So if you have a stiff back or need to be a bit more upright, the comfort bars may be better than straights.

Grips have evolved over the years, the quantum leap for me is the Ergon range of grips with the support platform at the rear. I used to use bar ends as well, but now with Ergon grips I find I don't need them.

You may need a slightly longer stem to put the new bar grips as far forward as the old brake hoods.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 06:58:49 PM by julk »


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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2010, 09:55:35 AM »
badger1 has pretty much covered that finding compatible controls isn't a problem.  My preference for the gear shifters would be the bar end converters SJS sell.  Advantages are - almost indestructible, friction on the front (Who needs front indexing?) and the option of friction on the rear if you have a problem on the road.  They also allow you to swap and change your gearing and they'll still work.

But before you swap. do a bit of research into why you're not getting the benefit from the drops.  It could be a change of position, reach or height, would be of more benefit than different bars.  I've recently swapped some standard drop bars for FSA compact bars and raised the height.  After riding for ten years with drops and not really seeing the point, it's a revelation.

Andre Jute

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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2010, 07:16:13 PM »
+1 to everything Julian says, especially about sitting more upright and his implication of putting less weight on your arms and consequently strain on your back.

Grips have evolved over the years, the quantum leap for me is the Ergon range of grips with the support platform at the rear. I used to use bar ends as well, but now with Ergon grips I find I don't need them.

You hear nothing but good about these Ergon grips, so just to be different I bought the Brooks leather grips, made from washers of leather held on short bicycle spokes bolted into the lock-on ends. I find them strangely comfortable. Mind you, I also found those Hermann's Finnish gummi grips very comfortable, and they're a fiver (I can find out the name SJS sells them under if anyone cares). The Brooks edge-on leather doesn't actually deform to conform to your fingerpads. In fact, there isn't much give at all. The best way I can describe it that the Brooks leather grips are like a Brooks saddle, pretty hard to the touch but somehow just more comfortable in the longer run than something that feels soft immediately.

You may need a slightly longer stem to put the new bar grips as far forward as the old brake hoods.

I'm not so sure about this. The idea of riser/swept bars is to put you more upright by moving your hands up and back. What you lose in pedalling efficiency, you gain in comfort. To put the comfort grips in the same place as the hoods defeats the purpose of the comfort bars.

Of course, if you're going all the way, to a fully upright seat as on a Raleigh roadster of old, you're into a different bike paradigm (fatter tyres, etc) than the OP's audax.

Andre Jute


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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2010, 12:35:24 AM »
Going from drop bars to comfort bars may give a much more upright riding position.
But I think shifting your weight too far back could lighten the steering and alter the ride quality.

I'd compromise by trying some straight bars for a less stretched riding position.
Finish off with Ergon grips, bar ends and Thorn's conversion thumbies.


« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 07:26:36 AM by mikerr »

peter jenkins

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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2010, 12:21:59 PM »
Hi Mikerr and others,

I'm finding this interesting as I'm considering converting my Club Tour to flat bars.  I've had a look at the SJS site to check out the bar end converters mentioned here but can't find them there. (doesn't mean they're not there, just that I can't find them). As I've never heard of these until now, I'd really like to see how they work. Can some one please point me to a photo of them?




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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2010, 01:10:20 PM »
Here you go peter;

Price has shot up since I last looked, hasn't everything!  Still they're an investment, ha. There's little to go wrong with them and should last a lifetime, unlike the complicated pods that I've had problems with.  SJS used to do just the converters for those who already have the bar ends shifters, they may still do but I didn't see them.


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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2010, 02:29:03 PM »
Thumbie converters can be found on the SJS site in Gear Spares(other), on page one.
I use these with SJS bar ends along with Ergon grips on slightly shortened straight bars.
Gives a neat set of controls on bars with variable grip postions.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 02:53:14 PM by mikerr »


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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2010, 10:22:36 PM »
  SJS used to do just the converters for those who already have the bar ends shifters, they may still do but I didn't see them.

peter jenkins

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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2010, 07:01:09 AM »
Many thanks, Rualexander, Mikerr and PH.

What a great idea that is, being able to 'recycle' a pair of bar end shifters. I didn't know it could be done. I think I'm even more inclined to make the conversion to flat bars now.




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Re: Changing from drops to comfort bars on audax mk3
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2010, 03:25:35 PM »
I did the opposite, went from comfort bars on my Thorn Raven to Drops.  That required a longer frame (thank you Thorn).

Stem length affects handling so you need to be careful, it may not be that simple.

PS.  I almost never use the dropped bit of my drop bars, not many people do that I've noticed.  I like drops because riding on the hoods is, for me, the most comfortable position.

Drops still give a better range of positions than flat bars, the only advantage of flats in my opinion is where really close control is required (mountain biking for example).