Well... The final score was 10 for black, 3 for red. I guess good taste is rare in human nature

While good points were put forward by the erstwhile denizens of this forum, regarding esthetics, security and the like, alas it is a more mundane consideration that has determined my final choice.
You see, whilst I have lusted after the Edelux for years, which like the SON 28 can be had in the three Rohloff finishes, I have recently been turned by the B&M Luxos IQ2 U, which reportedly casts a better beam and includes a USB port and cache battery. It only comes in black, which weakens the effect I was seeking to achieve by mounting red hubs.
So, black hubs it is. I have no doubt the hub/light combo will look classy nonetheless, and has the added benefit of being compatible with the (wholly unreasonable) position adopted by my better half!

Thanks again to all you Thornians for your valuable, and valued opinions.