I do love the XTC I got from e-bay but it's too big, yes it kinda works, but it's winging it. Clumsy sellers eh only measuring seat tube...well at least it got me in the Thorn fanclub
The issue is really the top tube length at 555 VT. I need about 510VT which means a 490S size.
SJS has some frames left, but no 490S. An eXp which they have is a different beast than the XTC and more ponderous with less clearance, whereas I like that clearance for the bad days on ungritted roads. The XTC really can do it all if it has to. Very few bikes are like that.
So, on the very very unlikely chance somebody has an XTC for sale that fits, or a frame only, which can be in poor paint condition as long as it has no bad dents, or knows somebody that wants to do swapsies/sell...here's my ad
(Or SJS if you have a trade-in...you know where to find me ^_^)