Hi All!
I've been watching the TiGr lock for awhile as it moved through Kickstart funding to current production; it is still fresh to market and under further development:
http://tigrlock.com/product/It is an interesting approach, consisting of a 19mm/.75in @ 16oz/440gm, or 32mm/1.25in @ 24oz/670gm titanium bow with clear vinyl coating, secured with a high-security cylinder lock. It weighs about 1/3 of what a D-lock or U-lock does, and the thin, flexible nature of the Ti strip allows it to secure both wheels and a bike rack.
The flexible nature of the lock makes it resistant to twisting attacks, and it appears to do a good job resisting handheld hacksaws and bolt cutters. Unfortunately, like most locks of any type, it falls prey to the cordless-electric grinder fitted with a cutoff wheel (the model with the wider band should resist attack longer than the narrower one).
I wish there was something a bit more elegant than velcro straps to hold it to the frame...perhaps something like a molded cradle, but this seems to do the job at present.
These things are expensive -- USD$165 for the 19mm and USD$200 for the 32mm, and the velcro straps are USD$7. Spare lock cylinders are USD$50, and spare bows are available separately for USD$110/$145.
It surely is an intriguing idea, and shows some really innovative thinking. It is light compared to other solutions, but storage seems less convenient than more conventional solutions. I'd like to see the promised 3rd party testing and certifications now under way. Worth keeping an eye on, methinks.