I may have to duck 'n' run after posting this one...
Porridge choice? No problem. Helmets yea or nay? The stuff of flame wars.
To rinse the dishes or leave 'em be? This could go nuclear.
Well, here goes...
This Muppets topic is motivated by my 2008 tour of The Netherlands and Belgium with my friend. As it turns out, I'm given to rinsing the soap from my dinner dishes before drying them and he is not, choosing instead to simply dry the still-soapy dishes. I could taste and smell the soap in the otherwise-delicious food he cooked, and it caused me some ehm, "gastric distress"; he claimed it made no difference and couldn't taste a thing beyond the food.
I prefer to rinse at home and on-tour 'cos I don't like the smell and taste of soap. Give me my food, "soap-free, as it is meant to be".
After I returned home I Googled the topic, and found there are ardent proponents in each camp, the Soapers and Rinsers. Each have reasons they find compelling beyond habit and whatever might pass as familial norms.
So...which do you prefer, and why?