Hi Ewan,
Thanks so much for the suggestion and link to the DogDazer ultrasonic deterrent. I have seen these before but never really investigated them, and your note is a good reminder to do so. To be honest, I was always a bit skeptical as to their effectiveness until recently. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I live between two um, enthusiasts/collectors of cats. One has in excess of 20, and the other another 14 or so; living in the middle, they kinda drive me nuts. I've spent over $200 in various non-harmful repellents including such exotica as fox urine, all to no avail. The only thing that has worked so far is an ultrasonic repeller called CatStop. Equipped with an infrared sensor, the thing emits a burst of ultrahigh-frequency sound for about 5 seconds, then resets. The cats don't like it and now avoid the *four* CatStops like the plague. I do have to keep moving them around to be effective. I need maybe two dozen CatStops. Or one real dog.
This leads me to think the DgDazer might be just the ticket for repelling dogs like those I encountered Monday. I'll certainly look into it, as the benefits are manifold -- no worry about spray blow-back in the wind or aiming correctly. No concerns about harming the animal, and good reports of effectiveness. Yeah, the more I read about it, the better it sounds for my needs.
Thanks, Ewan; very much appreciated!