Author Topic: Keeping your bike in your tent  (Read 7824 times)


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Keeping your bike in your tent
« on: March 16, 2023, 03:00:04 PM »
Does anyone keep their bike inside their tent with them at night ?

I’m considering this as an option . Possibly just a psychological thing (not that it would make anything safer) but I think I would like all my stuff indoors next to me . Also less stuff to draw attention to or attract thieves.

I would be just camping on my own so wonder how big a tent I would need. I’m 6 foot ish , 17 stone. I sleep on a medium sized sleeping mat.

I’d like to get a high quality tent too that is bombproof


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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2023, 05:17:52 PM »
Whoosh. This is a bigger topic than one might think at first blush, as there is a lot to consider.

I'll boil it down to the essentials.

Over the last 45 years, I've tested a lot of outdoors equipment for makers, many products in the prototype stage as I did catalog product shoots and found the flaws in the field the designers missed in the studio. Those nascent designs often had severe flaws and I got cold, wet, hungry, or sometimes all three when they failed so I always took reliable, proven gear as a backup.

One of the tent designs that seems evergreen in the touring world is the bike-parking tent. The idea seems so logical for all the reasons you cite but the practicalities seem to always outweigh (often literally) the benefits. They're larger than you really need to house only yourself and the rest of your gear apart from the bike. They are heavier due to the extra material. They generally catch more wind and then there's the conundrum of parking the bike securely upright (or fully inverted for those designs that use the bike's upended wheels as a structural support) and how to keep the rest of the tent interior clean and dry after you wheel a very road-dirty and wet bicycle into it. An added challenge with most designs is avoiding the bike as you enter and exit.

I've tried the gamut, from the MSR Ghisallo to a Tatonka Alaska 3 and a whole variety of ultralight tarplike structures. With the exception of the Tatonka Alaska -- which happens to be an expedition-class tunnel tent good for holding a lot of gear, all the bike-specific shelters I tested made it about a year on the market before leaving. The Ghisalo was nice, light, slept 1 person, but...the wall between the occupant and the bike was subject to snagging and tearing, the compartment was not long enough to hold many long-wheelbase touring bikes with racks fitted, and the one I had failed to support the bike one windy night, when it came crashing down on me. For photos, see...
The tarps stretched over overturned bikes were great in concept but not execution, as dirty water from the bike's wheels and oily drivetrain leaked onto my sleeping bag and the greatest headroom was over the wheels, leaving a very low "shed" for me to sleep under. Here is a good, well-developed example of the type I have not tried, so cannot speak about firsthand...
There is not a lot of room inside for the occupant.

The most successful version I tried belonged to my Dutch touring buddy when we toured the NL and BE together in 2008. He wanted security for his bike and all his gear and lots of room to stretch out. You can see it here...
It ticks all your boxes for space and sturdiness, but is heavy and -- measuring 4.7m/15.4ft plus guylines! -- it takes up as much space as a car when looking for a camping pitch. It weighs 4.5kg/10lb dry but when it gets wet, it weighs even more as it did during our tours when it rained nearly every day and night. It packs big, too. Still, he was very pleased with it and there was a lot of space inside. We slept side-by-side as two in the three-person capacity rear portion, the door screened against ticks. The entire front vestibule was devoted to gear storage and he did indeed park his inside, using the rear kickstand for support. He rode a fairly small frame; I don't think it would have been tall or long enough to hold my own bicycle. The vestibule was floorless, which solved the problem of dirty bike water and he had the option of flooring it with the tarp he brought as well. A great tent but a bit "much" for 1-2 person cycle-touring. He enjoyed "lux camping" and when he came to visit me here in America for a tandem tour, the big bike with trailer weighed 272kg/600lb with us on it; my self-made trailer we towed weighed 57kg/127lb alone, filled with such luxuries as the Dutch tanker's boots he preferred to hike in...
Needless to day, these were adventures far from the lightweight or ultralight gear I prefer, but still a lot of fun in their own way.

The point of all the above is to say a tent shared with a bike comes with a lot of compromises and the end result has never been as good for me as the one-person tents I prefer for quick and easy pitching and small footprints, the bike securely locked outside leaning on its Click-Stand and armed with a remote-controlled motion-detector to alert me to any theft attempt (or more commonly, to porcupines with a taste for sweat-soaked Brooks leather saddles!).

I've attached a photo I took one morning as we dried our wet gear out using the guys as clotheslines.

Best, Dan
« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 06:00:06 PM by Danneaux »

John Saxby

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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2023, 06:23:50 PM »
A variation on Dan's reply:

On tours when I'm camping for any length of time, I have usually used a quality lightweight tarp, approx 6' x 9' (weight ~400 gms with pegs & extra guylines).  For two persons or two tents, I have used a larger tarp, about 9' x 12'. 

I learned about tarps from canoe-camping, where they're invaluable for weather protection, esp when cooking a distance away from the tent(s). (On account of the bears, eh?)

For cycle-touring, I usually rig the tarp beside and partly over the tent, and I use the bike as a prop. The bike can be parallel to the tent, or at 90º to one end of it. (A dual-entry tent design is handy, obviously.)

Whether & how I secure the bike depends on where I am camping. (Longer discussion.)

This arrangement lets me be sure I can cook supper or breakfast in a dry spot, with the stove on the ground and not threatening tent or tarp. (I don't usually go touring in bear country.)

Hope that's helpful,



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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2023, 06:35:08 PM »
Wow, thanks Dan, loads of great info and links . Lots of food for thought there

No you’ve got me wanting to ask about good small minimalist tents for 1 person

I like the idea of having a low stealthy tent , maybe dark or camouflage

And maybe laying the bike on its side next to tent with a camouflage cover over the top (not sure if you get them


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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2023, 06:39:25 PM »
A variation on Dan's reply:

On tours when I'm camping for any length of time, I have usually used a quality lightweight tarp, approx 6' x 9' (weight ~400 gms with pegs & extra guylines).  For two persons or two tents, I have used a larger tarp, about 9' x 12'. 

I learned about tarps from canoe-camping, where they're invaluable for weather protection, esp when cooking a distance away from the tent(s). (On account of the bears, eh?)

For cycle-touring, I usually rig the tarp beside and partly over the tent, and I use the bike as a prop. The bike can be parallel to the tent, or at 90º to one end of it. (A dual-entry tent design is handy, obviously.)

Whether & how I secure the bike depends on where I am camping. (Longer discussion.)

This arrangement lets me be sure I can cook supper or breakfast in a dry spot, with the stove on the ground and not threatening tent or tarp. (I don't usually go touring in bear country.)

Hope that's helpful,


Thanks John

So the bike acts as the “tent poles” as it were

Yeah that could be handy to hold your bike from sight somewhat and have a wee shelter for safe cooking or just from weather


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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2023, 08:23:52 PM »
Does anyone keep their bike inside their tent with them at night

Only on the few occasions I have camped with a Brompton folder.

Otherwise I lock the bike to something and cover the Brooks saddle with something waterproof, usually a plastic bag with a bit of nylon cord to draw in the handles and fasten it to the seat post to stop it blowing away in a gale.


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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2023, 08:32:00 PM »
That was another thought

If the bike is outside , and padlocked , but not padlocked to anything. No tree , no gate etc .

Still a bit risky as folk could just pick up your bike and walk even tho it is locked through the frame to the wheel

Tie a bit of string to the bike and then onto your big toe

I know you get alarms but I’m just not sure I like the idea

Could maybe cause a bad reaction from a thief if his adrenaline starts pumping from the surprise and the potential attack of the guy unzipping his tent to see what’s going on


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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2023, 10:06:26 PM »
I use a Brooks leather saddle.  So I use a good waterproof saddle cover over the saddle every night in case of heavy dew or rain.

I use a two person tent that I can take my panniers inside the tent with me, some overflow in the tent vestibule.

A touring bike is supposed to get wet in the rain.

I always stay at developed campgrounds.  Usually there is a picnic table available that I can lock my bike to.

I have photos from two different trips, thus two different photos.


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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2023, 10:19:01 PM »
You said you wanted a minimalist one person tent.  I bought a small one on Amazon for backpacking.  When I am carrying the tent on my back, no wheels involved, that is when weight gets important.

Photo is the one I bought and used for two weeks this past September.  The tent does not come with a pole, the theory is you use a trekking pole instead, it is designed for backpacking and most backpackers carry trekking poles.

From Amazon, there are several manufacturers, but the model name is Lanshan 1.

I am in USA, thus used the USA Amazon site.  I have no clue if they sell them in the UK or not.

There also are some that say they are Pro version.  Mine is not the Pro version, mine has a separate netting tent with a tent fly.  Just barely big enough for one person and not much gear.  Hard to get more minimalist than this.

I saw reviews that said that where there are two guy lines attached to the rain fly, water can come in.  I seam sealed those spots before I used it the first time.

John Saxby

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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2023, 09:30:35 PM »
you’ve got me wanting to ask about good small minimalist tents for 1 person

I have a very good quality, very good condition Tarptent Moment DW one-person tent available for sale any time from now.

Price will be CDN$100.  Cost me USD 285 in 2015.  I've used it for cycle-touring and paddling in summers 2015 through 2019, and only a couple of times since then.  I can find a photo and post, but none pop up right now.

Tent is light (36 to 48 oz, depending on spec) and spacious.

Don't know what the shipping to UK would cost.

I also have a Revelate Sweetroll (medium) handlebar-mounted bikepacking bag.  Little used, also CDN$100, original cost (2021) $140.

Reason for sale: surplus to requirements.  Please PM me if you're interested, and I can supply photos, etc.

Cheers,  John


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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2023, 09:48:54 PM »
you’ve got me wanting to ask about good small minimalist tents for 1 person

I have a very good quality, very good condition Tarptent Moment DW one-person tent available for sale any time from now.

Price will be CDN$100.  Cost me USD 285 in 2015.  ...

That is a nice looking tent.  Unfortunately, I have five 1-person tents already, a sixth would make my storage even more crowded.  That is a better deal than the Amazon one that I cited.


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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2023, 03:10:55 PM »
I've never felt any need to put a bike in a tent.  Although that means it's usually in sight, i don't think it's very secure. What do you do when you pop to the shower or anywhere else you're not taking the bike?  I try and find somewhere near the tent to lock it, then forget it, if that really isn't an option, I thread a guy through the wheel and lock it to itself.
We've done security before and we all have to find the level we're content to accept, I consider a campsite, whether commercial or off-site, a low risk situation.


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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2023, 06:02:31 PM »
If you are really nervous about theft, get a good lock.  And also store your front wheel inside the tent or tent vestibule, not many thieves want to steal a bike missing a wheel.

A friend of mine was quite nervous about theft on our last bike tour, his chain weighed a tonne.  See photo.

My next trip, I am taking my titanium bike, I plan to use my Bordo 6100 and also a good cable.  Yes, there are better locks than the Bordo 6100, but I prefer a combination over key and this is better than the ones I have used in the past.  My titanium bike is not my most expensive bike, but it looks like my most expensive bike, thus need a good lock.  The cable I bring will be a short one, but long enough to get around a small tree or picnic table bench, and maybe also the front wheel.

John Saxby

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Re: Keeping your bike in your tent
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2023, 08:41:29 PM »
I have five 1-person tents already, a sixth would make my storage even more crowded.

Wow!  George, that's verging on the eccentric, and not the BB variant.  ;)

The Tarptent has been very kind to me over the years, but beset by advancing age and creaky hips (the latter nearly fixed, the former immutable) I decided to invest in a 2-person Nemo Dragonfly.  It's not really a 2-person tent by my reckoning, but it's very spacious and just 3 oz heavier than the Tarptent. Even though it was discounted as last year's stock, it still set me back nearly Cdn$600.  Sign of the times, eh?

Cheers,  John