Interesting post. I stumbled across Sheldon’s internet oracle of bike wisdom years ago when trying (unsuccessfully) to build a wheel with new rim and some on hand but used hub/spokes. And here was a guide to threading patterns and tips on the order and directions on how to thread the spokes in. Eventually I had a working wheel thanks to his clear and understandable repair guide suitable for dummies of all abilities

His internet guides on various cycling components and on maintenance have been a favourite of mine for years, many of which (like the wheel building tips) I printed out to have handy working in my bike shed. As a result of printing useful pages and not having broadband internet till around 2010 I missed his passing at the time, but was glad his legacy of encyclopaedic cycling knowledge has been maintained in cyberspace since then.
He is still a go to site for me, and a recommendation to any cyclist who wants more than just to ride but also to understand their bicycle.
An eccentric, a legend and an inspiration who even posthumously continues to impart knowledge through his website today and, I hope, for many years to come!