I bought my bike 2nd hand with old style Rohloff twister. The problem was the rubber was beginning to perish and it was sticky and not so nice to use. As the replacement rubbers are no longer produced, I first tried tape over the rubber. But that didn't hold too long. Then I had more success with talcum powder which at least stopped the sticky residue and left my hands smelling baby fresh. And as luck would have it, I managed to source a shop in Prague and brought their very last replacement grip and all was well.
But this irked me. I like the triangular grip, and feel irritated at the thought of having to buy a complete new shifter when the next rubber fails. At least until I spotted something on the net that just might work.
I ordered myself some shrink rubber from AliExpress :
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33024658608.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.51527039eyBXRj&algo_pvid=4879d00f-ca6d-46ca-a2f8-0112d627a71a&algo_expid=4879d00f-ca6d-46ca-a2f8-0112d627a71a-8&btsid=0b0a556816185923855095828e892e&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_, and 4-6 weeks later my shrink rubber arrived. Simply cut to length and heat (hot air or boiling water does the trick in seconds) and the rubber girth shrinks to whatever is under it. The length of the rubber you cut stays the same. I cut the excess rubber after shrinking to grip on the first attempt realizing this wasn't actually necessary. Better cut to length as it will be cleaner looking when fixed.
I tried it on my old shifter grip. Success. Then tried on my shaped grips which are beginning to wear. The new like appeals to me. I haven't tried the grip shift as the new one is already mounted and working. But I have now ridden a week on the shrink rubber grips and have had no issues. Everything sits tight. All is good.
For those who don't mind the wait for the slow boat from you know where, I can recommend investing the under GBP 4- including postage for a meter of this stuff and use it to extend the useful life of your grip shift and grips- or to customize them in your favourite available colour
I took 50mm diameter. The rubber pre shrinking has a little give. 45mm would have been fine for the grip shifter itself. I probably could have used 45mm on my shaped grips too for a tighter post heat shrink to fit than 50mm gave me. If you have non shaped grips, then take 45mm which I am pretty sure would fit the Rohloff twister better too.
Here are some photos of my shrink grip rubber grip fix:
and finally to compare new shifter rubber next to repaired shrink grip shifter and matching grip:
One of my colleagues already asked if I can do his bike grips too. His favorites have seen better days, and liked the look when he saw my bike at work this week. With 1m of tube, I still have plenty left to use for other projects.