Author Topic: Cable Spliter (1 to 1)  (Read 9122 times)


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Cable Spliter (1 to 1)
« on: August 03, 2020, 08:51:45 AM »
Does anyone have a good source in the UK / Europe for these. I need 2, but on line from the states they are $4-6 each where as in the UK i can only find them at over £10 each.

So, can anybody point me in the right direction, offer me a pair or is it, that is the price take it or leave it.


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Re: Cable Spliter (1 to 1)
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2020, 10:00:29 AM »
Did you mean one?
You can switch language in upright corner: Magyar/English
If something meets what You want, I will buy and send it for free up to £ 10. (splitter plus postage)
Sorry for my English :-)


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Re: Cable Spliter (1 to 1)
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2020, 10:47:56 AM »

splitter 2 by creativeq, on Flickr


splitters by creativeq, on Flickr


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Re: Cable Spliter (1 to 1)
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2020, 04:28:26 PM »
Available here, for gear cables, but with a long wait:

Do you need splitters for brake or gear cables (they may be different) ?

Or maybe these, which are specific for Rohloff without external box:

I may still have one or two used ones leftover from when I had a splittable Moulton bike, will check my cable spares box.


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Re: Cable Spliter (1 to 1)
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2020, 07:28:33 PM »
I too have some of those left over from my long since gone Moulton and seem to remember that they were the same, the Rohloff and the one for the rear brake.

I wonder if Moulton are still in the bicycle business?  Their items were of a quality that inspired confidence but their prices alway caused a sudden inhalation of air into my lungs.

Martin, do you miss that Moulton at all?


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« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 08:43:50 PM by macspud »


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Re: Cable Spliter (1 to 1)
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2020, 08:38:09 PM »
if you are using this in between the arms of a rear V brake then use the shortest one.

My first Thorn was initially set up with a longer one and when the brake blocks wore down on a tour I was left wondering why the rear brake was no longer working well. The cable splitter was bottoming out on 1 arm of the rear V brake!

Easily fixed by fitting a new rear brake cable, blocks and a shorter cable splitter.


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Re: Cable Spliter (1 to 1)
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2020, 08:39:17 PM »
I wonder if Moulton are still in the bicycle business?  Their items were of a quality that inspired confidence but their prices alway caused a sudden inhalation of air into my lungs.

They are. The "proper" Moulton prices are way outside my price range. The ones subcontracted out to Pashley (used to be the APB range) are more reasonably priced.

Martin, do you miss that Moulton at all?

I had a total of 3, first of all two old 1960's Stowaways with 16" wheels, found by my brother in the grounds of a house were he was working as a gardener. I restored these two to working order and used them quite a lot. Very nice to ride, but difficult to get a decent range of gears with the narrow rear forks and finding decent brakes that would fit was also a challenge. The splittable frame meant that they could be used as semi-portable bikes to combine trains and cycling.

After the forks broke on one while I was riding I donated the frames, forks and all the original parts to real Moulton enthusiasts, with warnings about the forks.

I then got a modern APB frame, set up with DualDrive gearing for a wide-range gear spread, theoretically 24 speed, but with some overlap. This was also nice to ride, and a very stable load platform, but for long-distance touring a bit limited in luggage capacity and not very good off-road with the relatively small wheels. With the 20" wheels, the APB wasn't so convenient as my old Moultons as a semi-portable.

For the portable (multi-mode) use I now have a couple of Bromptons, which are much easier to take on trains, buses, cars, etc. They don't ride as well as my old Moultons did, but are generally much more useful.

For touring, I replaced the Moulton/Pashley APB (sold to a Moulton enthusiast at a reasonably good price) with a Raven Tour with nice fat tyres, which suited me overall a bit better than the APB - better off-road and luggage capabilities, no suspension parts to wear out, longer-lasting tyres, much lower maintenance on the transmission (Rohloff and Chainglider), but not quite so comfortable and less fun on day rides.

And more recently I got a Raven Sport Tour frameset, which I built up with lightweight parts to use for lightly-loaded day rides on good roads.


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Re: Cable Spliter (1 to 1)
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2020, 10:12:38 PM »
Checked my spares, I have two, one is for a brake cable, the other for a gear cable. About 37 mm and 30 mm long respectively. Black.

I suppose you could use the brake cable one for a gear cable, not so sure the other way round.

If you want them, you can have them for the postage from France, should be about 3 euros.


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Re: Cable Spliter (1 to 1)
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2020, 08:15:15 AM »
PM coming your way martinf

Thanks for all of the info.