Wow! Good work/pleasure, Matt!
I thought of you the other day, harking back to our correspondence about your once-possible trip through Ontario this May. I didn't feel much like cycling, not even on an unloaded bike: less than two weeks after my post above, we had a 3-day heatwave, daytime highs in the high 30s on the humidex, nighttime lows in the low-mid 20s. For me, that's heatstroke weather if I'm riding a loaded bike, the more so in hilly country.
Such really hot weather can zap the mozzies; OTOH, it can also advance & prolong the black flies' reign of terror. On balance, I prefer the mozzies.
(That weather has just broken, thankfully, and tonight's forecast low is 4.)
A reminder that May weather in Ontario can be lovely, but also dangerous.
Cheers, J.