I think I'll try these bars as i could do with reducing the reach these days. One thing - will they be OK with Ergon GP5 bar ends? The backwards sweep won't put them at an difficult angle?
I heard somewhere that it's possible, but in my opinion i don't see the interest to add bar ends on this handlebar, as well i find this extension unsightly specially on this Comfort handlebar..
I'm ok to receive your handlebar, thanks very much ! and in one month it will be ok for me, i will communicate to you my address at this moment.
I think Royal AirMail should be fine.. you will tell me the price, for information i can pay you by Paypal, if you have this process..
About me, i ride with a flat bars, i think it's this one :

I feel very comfortable with it, but i'm curious to try the Comfort bars and i would like to reduce my stem height, i still find it to high.