Author Topic: rohloff spline v screw  (Read 5313 times)


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rohloff spline v screw
« on: February 14, 2019, 07:57:03 AM »
is it worth converting screw to spline

Dave Whittle Thorn Workshop

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Re: rohloff spline v screw
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2019, 08:29:20 AM »
In my opinion yes, you will find it much easier to swap round and change sprockets and clean the hub.  You will have to eventually because threaded sprockets have been out of production for almost 2yrs now.


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Re: rohloff spline v screw
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2019, 10:37:39 PM »
But in my opinion it is not worth changing over until your sprocket wears out.

Before they came out with the slim carrier, I was concerned about messing up my chainline, so I bought another threaded sprocket.  I planned to keep using the threaded ones.  But now that the slim carier is available, the only reason I can think of to stay with threaded is no longer applicable.  But, I won't switch until my spare threaded sprocket is worn out.

And I do not mind  pulling the sprocket off to re-grease the threads every few years.  I would probably do that even with the splined carrier, just in case I am in the middle of nowhere someday and need the hub serviced, I want to make sure that it is not frozen on.

John Saxby

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Re: rohloff spline v screw
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2019, 01:36:59 AM »
in my opinion it is not worth changing over until your sprocket wears out

Agreed, George--tho' in my case, I may be just making a virtue out of necessity.  Reason is that, like you, I was fussed by the possibility of messin' up my immaculate chainline, so bought a second threaded sprocket. 

Reckon it may be some time before I wear out the 2nd one, as I just flipped the first one in Sept. 2017, with about 11,000 kms on it -- am now at about 14,500, & I expect that one will be good to around 20K.  Can I wear out a 2nd one?  My Scottish ancestors leave me no choice but to try...

Cheers,  John

Andre Jute

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Re: rohloff spline v screw
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2019, 04:14:08 AM »
Reckon it may be some time before I wear out the 2nd [sprocket], as I just flipped the first one in Sept. 2017, with about 11,000 kms on it -- am now at about 14,500, & I expect that one will be good to around 20K.  Can I wear out a 2nd one?  My Scottish ancestors leave me no choice but to try...

My Scottish granny agrees. My sprocket has passed 10,000km (all of it covered by various chain cases I tried on the way to settling on the Chainglider) and looks good to do most of that much again -- on its first side. At that rate I'll run through my spares on the far side of 2050.


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Re: rohloff spline v screw
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2019, 08:38:03 AM »
I also bought spare sprockets to preserve chainline and Chainglider compatibility before the availability of the slim carrier was announced.

So I almost certainly have enough threaded Rohloff sprockets for my lifetime, and will put up with the more difficult removal process.

Except in the case where I buy another Rohloff to fit on my Brompton folder. That application would require a small sprocket that I don't have in stock, so splined would make sense :

- small sprocket = more wear,
- no chaincase = more wear,
- transmission closer to road grit with 16" wheels = more wear.


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Re: rohloff spline v screw
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2019, 10:10:24 AM »
I also might never wear out my spare sprocket.  I built up my Nomad in 2013 and have not flipped my first sprocket yet. 

I have several bikes that I use regularly, most years a couple of my other bikes get more distance logged on them than the Nomad.  My last three trips were done on three different bikes, all derailleur bikes.

I put studded tires on the Nomad so I can use it in winter, it is my only bike with studded tires on both front and rear.  That said, winter is not a high mileage season for me.