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[THORN KICKSTAND POLICY] Bicycle stand for Club Tour

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Hi Folks,

My wife is adamant that she would like a kick-stand fitted to her Thorn Club Tour Mk3, size 533S.

My concern is that, from what I can see,  the standard kick-stand clamps on to the chain-stays just behind the bottom bracket shell and risks chewing them to bits, as well as create a twisting stress on the bottom bracket area in general. Particularly as my beloved is fond of using said bike for shopping, meaning that she often rides with loaded rear panniers...

Does anyone know of any relatively benign but effective kick-stands that I could fit without ruining an otherwise great bike?

Any experiences/suggestions gratefully received.


[Title changed and topic made sticky for reference. - Dan.]

Dave Whittle Thorn Workshop:
Just in case you haven't seen the FAQ on the website:

Here at Thorn Cycles we provide a lifetime warranty on our frames that are bought as part of a complete bike build. We do not fit kick stands to our bikes as a part of any build. If you insist that we fit a kick stand for you, or if you choose to fit one to your bike post build, we will not entertain any claims for damage arising from the use of or fitment of a prop/kickstand.

Damage can result in several ways:

Where the stand fits to the bike the clamp will inevitably damage the paint finish, this allows water to track under the finish and cause corrosion.
Where the stand fits to the bike on some models the thin gauge tubing used will be crushed, this may cause a stress fracture of the tube or weld area.
When on the stand you or a passer by may lean on the bicycle and your/their weight may cause the stand to break and the bicycle to fall or worse the tube where the stand fixes to be crushed or damaged.
The load most of our bikes are able to carry combined with the weight of the bicycle exceeds the max load of most commercially available stands, which may cause the stand to break or bend
Instead, we recommend that a Click Stand is used, details of which can be found at These are essentially a prop that your bike leans on, which does not become a part of your bike but rather a small, lightweight accessory carried as part of your luggage. Alternatively, you can adapt a fishing rod prop (available from your local fishing shop) to achieve the same result. Of course, you could find a convenient tree, fence or wall to prop your bike against (using your saddle), or even simply, gently lay your bike down on the ground!

[Title changed and topic made sticky for reference. - Dan.]

il padrone:
I have been using a Pletscher Multizoom rear-stay stand for the past seven and a half years on my Thorn Nomad MkII with no ill effects.

Mike Ayling:

--- Quote from: il padrone on July 25, 2018, 02:32:43 PM ---I have been using a Pletscher Multizoom rear-stay stand for the past seven and a half years on my Thorn Nomad MkII with no ill effects.

--- End quote ---

There goes your warranty, Pete!


which is more important your warranty or doing what the wife tells you to do, i know what i'd do ;)



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