Not this morning, though I walked 8km starting at 6am to beat the heat and probably will do so again come evening. Temperatures are supposed to hit 103°F here today, 102° tomorrow, and 101° the day after before falling to "only" 98°F. In metric terms, the highest tops out at 39.4°C, so feels a bit like one of my desert tours. My house was built (1962) in the days before such extreme temperatures hit the US' Pacific Northwest, so no air-conditioning. It is 81°F/27.2°C on the wall thermometer next to me and should read about 87°F/30.5°C by evening. The strategy is to open all the windows and back doors at night and blow in cool air, then close everything up as soon as it starts to warm up again around 7am. Works better than leaving everything open but is not ideal. Builds character.
Trying to walk about 8km minimun everyday to keep the bones healthy. I was astounded to find I had become osteopoenic a few years back with an estimated 28% risk of hip fracture, mostly the result of so much time spent on the bike, which is not considered weight-bearing exercise. So, it is the Shoe Leather Express for me at least once a day, mixed with riding (when the heat subsides just a bit more at week's end).
All the best,
Dan. (...who mourns that feet cannot coast)