I had been considering a Thorn because of the impressive reading and detail of the Mega brochure, It was awesome reading the lessons and conclusions that Andy had documented over the years, and the durability that had been built into the Nomad.
I will not go on an expedition most likely, but I ride almost everyday year round, my last bike was what I thought was a hardcore commuter failed without warning of any sign. (see photo)
Franks photo of his cracked Nomad frame is what sold me on the Nomad, the separation of the top tube under the loads that Frank described in detail and he was still able to ride it hundreds of miles before he could get it replaced.
Everything is going to fatigue at some point, I was impressed that the remainder of the bike held together and was able to continue the way it should.
I am a person that enjoys maintaining my machine in every way, and do not hesitate to replace worn components when they reach suggested wear limits, I get pleasure when I wear something out.
Can't wait to get my first steel frame, and Rohloff, I have rode Alfine 8 for so long and was completely satisfied.
I hope it will last me 12 years before the first crack or sign of failure.