It's a familiar condition, Pavel. Note that I don't say problem. Wanting a new bike is not a problem, it is a solution to a condition, prevention of a problem in the making.
Being superior, after years of spending every winter looking over bikes and then buying a new bike in preparation for the spring, I have the condition cured. I now spend every winter looking over bikes and deciding on the one I want, and just before I buy it I notice that it is a just a different colour of a bike I already own. Even my exceedingly agreeable family would baulk at another 5K bike in a different colour so, reluctantly, I don't buy it.
Though I do think a real cyclist should have a bike of a different colour for each day of the week, plus a few to match his outfits. (Well, maybe not the shocking-pink shirts I ordered for visibility in summer cycling. No manufacturer would ever live down a bike that shocking.)
And maybe I gave up too easily on the semi-recumbents when I sold on my Giant Revive, maybe now that I have a connection at Utopia, I should have a Phoenix for around town (we don't have any flat roads beside the ones in town). And a Thorn to park beside my three touring bikes, because a bicyclist's experience isn't complete until he has tried a Thorn, and it is of course essential to confidence, which keeps him alive in traffic, that he should speak with authority.
Yes, that's its, inarguable, a case made from Safety First. Now where's that Thorn brochure again?