Good video but I very much doubt that it will make any difference. The types of drivers that overtake cyclist without leaving enough space are purely inconsiderate, selfish, and impatient. It's in their nature and no amount of re-education is going to change that. On my daily commute back and forth to work, I am regularly put at risk by drivers overtaking too closely. I have been clipped by wing mirrors and forced off the road on numerous occasions. It wouldn't be so bad if the drivers made an attempt to reduce their speed when overtaking me but they seem to have this aversion to using the brake. You just have to take a look at the videos on YouTube to see how prevalent this type of overtaking behaviour is. Also, it regularly happens that the cyclist is physically abused as a result. If this ever happens to me, the driver is in for a big shock because I hit back. I don't condone violence but I will uphold my right to defend myself which I am very capable of doing.
I also think that the UK should adopt the same approach as most of their EU neighbours and make the driver automatically at fault, unless they can prove otherwise, if they are involved in a collision with a cyclist. There are some statistics out there that indicate the driver has been at fault 75% of the time when the police have investigated a road traffic accident involving a cyclist and a car. I don’t understand why a vulnerable road user’s safety/life isn’t worth a couple of minutes of the driver's time. This is, in most occasions, all that they will lose whilst waiting for an appropriate time to overtake safely.
It is also ridiculous how lenient the law is with regards to punishing drivers when they have been ruled as being at fault and their actions have either seriously injured or killed a vulnerable road user. It’s about time the law was dishing out prison sentences instead of a slap on the wrist.