After riding this for 500km I have decided that it's just not for me. The bike (frame/forks) rides fantastically well, the reason for sale is partly the after-sales service and partly that I no longer feel it's suitable for the kind of riding I do. I bought the complete bike from Thorn a few weeks ago, and my intention is to move the components to a different frame.
I've put some black tape on the head tube and chainstay to protect the paintwork. The bike picked up a small surface scratch on the top tube, which would either polish out or use the touch-up paint. Some of the mount points (eg disc brake) have cracked paint round the thread, this was as delivered and just needs some touch up paint (and possibly some larger washers to avoid a repeat). These are all in the photos. Blue and red touch-up paint (original from Thorn) also supplied.
I am selling the frame, MERV853C fork, with the headset still fitted, Thorn seat tube, and also the mudguards (P35) as they are modified (by Thorn) to fit the bike. The frame and fork are £739 new from SJS, plus headset, guards and seat tube. I would like £500.
The bike has done 500km, and I will do another 500km in the next week (over the Austrian Alps). The reason for posting this before I'm back in the UK is that I could return home via London, if that helps a potential buyer. If you send me a message, please bear in mind it may take a few days before I get back to you.
A couple of flickr albums: (the original frame was replaced, this frame starts with the wrapped frame photo)
It's tough to have to sell it, as I've invested considerable effort and additional cash into this bike. Hopefully it finds a new owner whose riding and touring really suits the Club Tour.