...once again, I want to thank the netizens of this forum for their technical knowledge, passionate level headedness and good humour. It truly is a joy corresponding with you all.
With a lot of help from the forum members, some of whom don't even know that their post is helping many others who aren't posting to the thread, I have built up the best bike I ever had. There isn't anything major I want to change either immediately or in the long term.
But Christmas is coming, and every Christmas I'm reminded that it is shameful for a sometime revolutionary to have become so middle-aged (heh-heh) and comfortable that his family gives him money because he honestly can't think of anything he wants.
And of course not every forum member has arrived at the same state of nirvana: most know of at least one component that wouldd improve their bikes. Quite a few forum members' bikes, including mine, appear to be built up of the dreams of forum members who went before them.
So this year i'm starting Christmas early, lining up my ducks ready to replace the proverbial turkey. (For the Americans, the British don't eat turkey in November, they eat it at Christmas.)
What do you want for your bike for Christmas? I don't care if it is serious and worthwhile or frivolous. And, anyway, what to me might be frivolous to someone else might be a life-or-death necessity. For instand, I ride on lanes I know intimately, and am never further than five minutes from a farmhouse where I will be welcome to knock on the door, so I don't have GPS, and it would be frivolous of me to fit something so ostentatiously unnecessary, especially since I already have it on my phone. But to many members touring in strange and indeed dangerous places, GPS is clearly an essential.
What do you think the cyclist who has everything necessary and useful already could add to his bike that he will find useful?
What do you need? What do you want?