Anyone get Audax UK Arrivee magazine ?
Nice article and photos of the RST. I expect Thorn will put the article up on their reviews some time. The guy that has bought it and reviewed it, Tim Wainwright, also edits the Spring and Summer copies of Arrivee. I wonder if he contributes on this forum.
There isn't anything much new in the article and not much on his riding experience to date. He reckons it is stiffer than his lightweight bikes. Weighs in at 30 lb including pedals and rack. Slighlty slower on the hills. Misses riding on the hoods when out of the saddle. Inspires confidence cornering and descending (he has specced the XTR brake upgrade). Overall seems to like it ! " I would have no hesitation using this bike for extended touring."
Should get mine early next week.[