Hi Dan,
I used your method today and the job is now done. I cut the foam lagging which is used for lagging 15mm pipe into discs about 20 and roughly 25mm thick, placed them around an inflated tyre to the whole length of the mudguard. I placed the mudguard over the discs and then used masking tape to bound the wheel and mudguard with the discs in situ. When I replaced the wheel it was easy enough to measure the distances for fixings and spacers. For spacers I used black poylcarbonate 12mm tube with a centre hole to take a 5m bolt and cut to appropriate lengths, it actually matches the bikes colour. Thanks to all who replied to my cry for help. Donerol I was too late in seeing the link you forwarded but have taken a hard copy. Thanks Dan your idea worked great.
Regards, Alfie the mudguard fitter.