I am hoping for decent weather tomorrow at work where the harbor provides a nice backdrop

Tested the spiked tires they do sound like rice crispies! Bit of a slog uphill at 1KG a piece, but on the flat you barely notice them.
The XTC does seem "pleased" with fatter tires, handling is less nervy (fat tires, more rake) CR18s are not really made for skinny tires anyway. But the bike feels like it wants weight and thicker tires. But then Thorn has made it to be that way. It is after all a light tourer in the CR18 setup.
I am on the hunt on e-bay for lighter rims for daily use. It's fun to play around with different rims/tires. With lighter/skinnier rims it goes more audaxy I suspect, though again handling is less nervy on fatter tires compared to sportcontacts. It's fun to play with bike setups and e-bay with the load of secondhand parts makes it affordable too

You can't get a perfect touch-up obviously with home tools, some drips and deep scars are impossible to fully smooth out, but at least now the frame is protected again and the worst gone.