JimK: Thanks - I will be sure to post pictures when it arrives. I live in Tipp City, Ohio - a small town north of Dayton. The terrain is mostly flat, with a few small hills scatters about. I can be out of town and riding in the county within a few hudred yards of my driveway.
I am completely new to cycle touring. I enjoy traveling, cycling and backpacking, so touring sounded like it would be fun and a good fit. While traveling in India in 2007 I met a UK school teacher who was in the midst of a self-supported, year-long charity ride. That encounter is what sparked my interest and ultimately led to me ordering a Nomad.
Between my existing backpacking/cycling gear, some panniers I purchased a few months ago when REI had them on sale and the pending Thorn, I should be all set on equipment. After I receive the bike I plan on riding as many miles as possible locally (grocery shopping, commuting, afternoon rides) to get everything broken in and get a feel for things. As warmer weather arrives I hope to start taking 2-3 day self-supported weekend rides to destinations within 50-100 miles of Tipp City. In the fall I am planning on taking a 2-3 week trip somewhere domestically (currently considering Oregon coast). Next year - assuming touring ends up being as fun as I think it will be - I would like to take a 1-3 month international trip. So for now at least, that’s the master plan...