Author Topic: To Thorn or not to Thorn...?  (Read 7293 times)


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Re: To Thorn or not to Thorn...?
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2007, 08:25:18 PM »
Further genius from the maestro himself!

Do you think a gift is still a gift if it's part-funded by the recipient...? I would be brazing it myself!

Like the B&Q idea. I often thought about chopping up old skip-bikes and sticking them together with some basic 'welding' outfit into a funky monkey of chopper. :-D


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Re: To Thorn or not to Thorn...?
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2007, 09:37:38 AM »
Originally posted by jawj

Do you think a gift is still a gift if it's part-funded by the recipient...?

Perception is in the eye of the beholder.  The gift is in the making - not the materials - the love and attention lavished on the task in hand.  Every artist needs a patron.  Can't really see Mozart saying  "I can't compose today because my piano's f**ked" - someone would immediatley dash out and buy him a new one.  

And how else do you think countless mothers would have stumped up for pokers/table lamps/bird boxes lovingly crafted by their offspring?

It is quite legitimate for the recipient to cough up for the present (it'll be our project darling).  Failing that, the old -"you were talking in your sleep and asked for a new bike" might work.  Does for me.


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Re: To Thorn or not to Thorn...?
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2007, 08:33:41 PM »
Originally posted by jawj

Should I go on Dave Yates' framebuilding course and make my own... (!)

Any insights much appreciated!

A week in the company of Dave Yates would be a holiday to remember, the free frame at the end just a bonus.  I saw him at York Rally for the umptenth time, the man's a star.

Should I go for a lovely, high-quality Raven Tour frame...?

Thorns pricing seems to value the frame as a higher proportion of the bike price than just about anybody elses. It would almost seem a better option to buy a complete bike and Ebay the unwanted bits.


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Re: To Thorn or not to Thorn...?
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2007, 10:22:27 PM »
So your poker actually WORKED, Ian??? ;-)
Defo going to try sleep-hypnosis: "when you wake up, you will want a new frame lovingly brazed by George and will be able to see past the valley-shaped mitres and brass icicles..."

Well, it might work.

Yeah, Dave's course would be a truly amazing life experience, Paul, and I'm still (very) tempted to go. Better start saving!
Not sure about buying a complete Raven Nomad as it does more than double the price and since I already have most of the bits I need, including a very-nearly-bedded-in Rohloff, I think a frameset is the way to go. Thanks for your ideas though!

Just want to put in here that the peeps at Thorn/SJS really are helpful humans. Andy quickly sent me a detailed reply to a query and it all seems very friendly indeed. Can't wait for this month's pay cheque to arrive so I can get to ordering a shiny (matte...) frame. :-D