It's hard to change from a system that works.
True enough and heartily agreed, , PX!
I think this is a key reason why people are so loyal to certain pieces of gear -- they simply work well for them and have become familiar enough to operate/manage even while fatigued, wet, or otherwise compromised.
Also, once in awhile, a designer/manufacturer will get things right for the majority of users' needs most of the time. Those are the Golden products most widely revered and best reviewed. Selecting one of these can be a shortcut to success.
However, sometimes lesser products can be "more" for an individual if they meet specific needs as well or better than something designed for mass appeal. Of course, we all place our own value on different things. With tents, it might be bug resistance, waterproofness, easy pitching, roominess-for-weight, or cost. Getting something that works for you -- yes! -- makes it hard to switch.