Thorn Cycles Forum

Technical => General Technical => Topic started by: in4 on June 19, 2014, 02:23:28 pm

Title: Calorific burn and mileage
Post by: in4 on June 19, 2014, 02:23:28 pm
I'm just floating a thought or two here but I'm interested to know of other rider's experiences regarding intake and burn-up of calories. Here's a scenario: I often do a circa 25 mile early evening ride. I usually average around 13mph, so about two hours riding with little height variation. I burn around 1300 calories per ride. Now yesterday was pretty hot but I was well hydrated. I suspect however I had not eaten enough during the day resulting in dizzyness etc this morning. My usual bucket of porridge sorted that out but I'm thinking what kind of 'pre-loading' should I do prior to a ride. Does anyone else hae a tried and tested routine for pre-ride fuelling? I'm fortunate not have to have any  health issues. Is it a case of more pies or indeed a case of pies?!
Think I'd eat them all to ride that lovely EXP for a while!
Title: Re: Calorific burn and mileage
Post by: jags on June 19, 2014, 03:08:01 pm
do you eat on the ride ::)
i'm not a great one for a big brekkie porridge i cant get down my neck at the best of times.i done 30 miles this morning and on that spin i ate a banana drank i litre water and litre  home made energy drink,if i was doing 50 miles i would have raisins.jam sambo /fruit cake if the wife bought some /flask tea or coffee.
if you had the weather we had here in ireland no wonder you were dizzy 28deg
today its cloudy and windy but still lovwely.

Title: Re: Calorific burn and mileage
Post by: JimK on June 19, 2014, 05:50:19 pm
I have heard that eating a good helping of carbohydrates reasonably soon *after* a big ride is a good way to restock the glycogen reserves. There is a window that closes maybe an hour after the end of your ride.

When I lived in Woodstock there was a Bread Alone bakery around the corner. I loved their multigrain baguette as fuel along the ride. But now Woodstock is more like a destination! My latest on-ride fuel is breakfast cereal!

Three handfuls every 45 minutes or so keeps me going!

With the hot weather I am adding electrolytes to my water bottle. Nuun and Alacer, alternately. Not bad!

Title: Re: Calorific burn and mileage
Post by: Andre Jute on June 19, 2014, 07:17:46 pm
I was interested to hear a couple of years ago that the official snack of the British mountainbike team is Jacob's Fig Rolls, and not just because Jacob's is a sponsor. It's a good mix of food groups for a slow release as required, much better than more obvious sugars and starches. The reason I was so keen to discover official sanction was that I had worked that much out for myself, and always carried a jumbo pack of fig newtons on the bike, usually Jacob's brand.

Like Anto, I'm keen on raisins. My people own vineyards, so I'm a connoisseur (!) of raisins!

When I was a rugby player in training, we were given steak and potatoes swimming in butter, no greens, and the guy who created this menu was reputed to be one of the great sports trainers of the world... Just throwing that in for interest, as it is a method that might stage a comeback, and I don't pretend to know any better.
Title: Re: Calorific burn and mileage
Post by: jags on June 19, 2014, 08:21:33 pm
one of the lads my son used to cycle with (he was a top irish rider ) always had LIGA biscuits in his jersey pocket even when racing, you know the ones they give to babys  ;D ;D ;D
but he swore by them,never tried them meself i'm fat enough.
