Thorn Cycles Forum

Technical => Lighting and Electronics => Battery Charging from a Dynamo => Topic started by: Griffer on November 26, 2003, 01:20:35 PM

Title: Mobile phone charging
Post by: Griffer on November 26, 2003, 01:20:35 PM
Are there any ways to charge a Nokia mobile phone from my Schmidt dynamo hub whilst on tour? Or are there any other options?
Title: Re: Mobile phone charging
Post by: Cephas on November 26, 2003, 03:44:13 PM
Originally posted by Griffer

Are there any ways to charge a Nokia mobile phone from my Schmidt dynamo hub whilst on tour? Or are there any other options?

How about solar?
This gadget looks interesting.
Title: Re: Mobile phone charging
Post by: Smiler on December 05, 2003, 11:12:18 AM
How about the Solar Energy Cycle Light?
I have not got one myself, as I'm happy with my dynamo set-up and do not need use of a mobile! But it sounds very interesting!
Info can be found on
Title: Re: Mobile phone charging
Post by: drossall on May 28, 2004, 12:30:22 AM
Quick Web search found this:

No idea if it works. Please tell us!
Title: Re: Mobile phone charging
Post by: Vangelis on April 11, 2006, 08:08:19 PM
Hello All,
This pedal & power for 20 GBP seems fine. You discard the bottle dynamo and connect it to the hub somehow.
Please if anyone tries it post results so we get it too!
Title: Re: Mobile phone charging
Post by: ibbooo on April 24, 2006, 09:25:08 PM
I bought one of these and tried it with my shimano dynohub, it was ok if you kept your speed below about 10km but any faster and it gets VERY hot. Finally I completely destroyed it on a fast down hill section so don't waste your money! I have a much easier and safer method of charging electronic items on tour now, I use a very simple charger which I have modified to charge 4*2500mah AA batteries while cycling. In the evening these batteries are then used with a battery PDA charger which I got off eBay. Although it is meant for PDA's it will charge (with the right leads) any device that requires about 5V dc and up to 1000 ma. I used this system continuously for 3 months while in New Zealand to charge a IPAQ PDA, Sony mobile, Fuji Digital camera and a electric raiser, it all worked perfectly giving me ample power.

Bike battery charger -      - needs modifying slightly to just charge AA batteries
PDA charger          -         - this is not the one that I bought but it’s the only one I could find on eBay at the moment.

email me if you need further information.
Title: Re: Mobile phone charging
Post by: gary.lineker on October 09, 2007, 09:32:10 PM
Have any of you guys ever heard of ? It seems to send free SMS messages in the UK, but does anyone have any experience with them?