Thorn Cycles Forum

Community => Muppets Threads! (And Anything Else) => Topic started by: Danneaux on March 24, 2025, 02:35:20 PM

Title: Politics on Forum
Post by: Danneaux on March 24, 2025, 02:35:20 PM
Hi All,

Danneaux, Thorn Forum Administrator here.

I started following the Forum informally in 2004 and have been Forum Administrator for the last dozen years.

I've always been impressed by our membership, the tremendous knowledge resource they comprise, and their unselfish willingness to help out members through sharing so generously.

From my work here and elsewhere, I also know there are certain topics that can split a Forum apart and kill community in a hurry because they cause needless and divisive internal strife. One of those "toxic" topics involves the wearing and value of helmets. Another is politics. That is why I -- with the help of member restraint -- have kept those topics to a minimum here so we can concentrate on bicycles, cycling, cycle-camping, touring and all the things related to them.

Recent world events and political developments have brought rapid and abrupt global changes to trade, tariffs, travel, visas, entry and exit policies, restrictions and punishments for violations. Things are very much in flux and evolving almost daily. Such cannot be ignored for those who love to travel by bike or purchase bikes and things related to them. Bicycles are among the most international of products with components sourced from around the world and we love to travel on them, so there really is no avoiding such influences.

At the same time, we find ourselves in a world of ever greater division over politics and I am concerned if allowed to run rampant in our little village here, it could tear apart what we have, enjoy, and value so much.

In that spirit, I'm requesting we keep the Forum a politics-free zone except as it pertains to the practicalities of travel and goods purchases and safety while traveling and crossing borders and to do so with an eye toward helpfulness and camaraderie in solving problems or working around them as we pursue our shared passion.

If we can do this, the Forum will be more likely survive as a useful bike-related community than if it devolves into off-topic tribalism.

With thanks, gratitude, and all best wishes, Dan.

Thorn Cycles Forum Administrator
Title: Re: Politics on Forum
Post by: mickeg on March 24, 2025, 04:48:02 PM
Title: Re: Politics on Forum
Post by: in4 on March 24, 2025, 09:09:25 PM
Agreed. I’ve come across this on other forums. The ‘spill-over’ into contentious issues does diminish the timbre of topical, friendly  discussions.
Title: Re: Politics on Forum
Post by: Andre Jute on March 25, 2025, 01:58:50 AM

Well put, Dan.
Title: Re: Politics on Forum
Post by: Andyb1 on March 25, 2025, 07:25:45 AM
Agreed Dan, better to stay on the common ground (cycling) that we all share.
Title: Re: Politics on Forum
Post by: Tiberius on March 25, 2025, 09:15:17 AM
One of the (many) refreshing aspects of this forum is that it's almost ONLY about bikes and bike related travelling. The other 'noise' of life is for elsewhere - long may it continue.
Title: Re: Politics on Forum
Post by: Matt2matt2002 on March 26, 2025, 04:01:02 PM
One of the (many) refreshing aspects of this forum is that it's almost ONLY about bikes and bike related travelling. The other 'noise' of life is for elsewhere - long may it continue.

Quite agree; and with other sentiments above.

Title: Re: Politics on Forum
Post by: John Saxby on March 26, 2025, 05:05:28 PM
Agreed 👍.  Well said, Dan & all.