Thorn Cycles Forum
Community => Muppets Threads! (And Anything Else) => Topic started by: ourclarioncall on March 25, 2023, 05:23:52 PM
Just kidding
Well ,I just tried a mid range pair and I really really x10 wanted to like them
After a lot of previous frustration trying to get a good fit on my bike and changing saddles I settled on a selle saddle that came with the used bike I bought . It’s the only one I could get on with
I’m able to do 10-15 miles without any significant pain or discomfort unlike the other saddles I had
Saying that , possibly the angle of my hips has a contribution to the comfort as my seat is lower and I’m more sitting with weight on my sit bones
Anyway , I thought if I’m to do long distance perhaps I do need to get some padded shorts
But they just weren’t comfy and felt like they were borderline inducing numbness . I got off for a walk and felt like my glutes were cramping or lacking in bloodflow . The padding seems to migrate over a little to one side . I am a bit overweight but carry it mainly on my stomach ,looking at me you probably wouldn’t think I was obese. I’m over 6 foot too. I don’t really have any chub rub going on either , legs are kind of muscular .
So I don’t know, just curious to if others don’t bother with padded shorts or tried them but they didn’t work
My options now is to just use some sort of sweat wicking material instead of cotton underwear. Whatever I use it would be under thin hiking trousers . So maybe merino wool
Underwear or some sort of Lycra shorts with no padding .
Just thought , I was wearing thin high quality roomy walking /hiking trousers over my bib shorts coz it’s very cold, maybe that had a negative influence on the bib shorts ? I dunno . I have an 80% feeling that it would just feel the same with the trousers off to be honest
I use sporty, but not cycling-specific, underwear under baggy (ie not lycra) shorts or long trousers depending on the temperature on a leather saddle. The saddle may take a little breaking in but once that's done then you forget you are sat on it. Note, however, that the required saddle width depends on your cycling position. The saddle supports your sit bones and the nearer your head is to the front wheel then the closer the sit bones move together. If you've got a more upright position then you may need a wider saddle.
I've not much to add since last time you asked
Padded shorts - again it's personal, I do most of my riding in non padded underwear, but most of that will be on and off the bike, maybe all day, maybe 60-80 miles, but rarely an hour in the saddle without a break. When I have longer days with few breaks, I use padded bibs, Howies and Vulpine. I might be OK on some of these rides without padding, but by the time I'll discover that's a mistake it'll be too late. I also have some padded underwear with much thinner padding than shorts, they're OK but the riding I used to use them for is fine without on a C17.
Except to say that finding the right bibs can be a bit hit and miss, I like two pairs out of six I've bought and I don't think I could isolate what it is I like about them to save further errors, the two I like are quite different!
If you want a half way option, padded undershorts as mentioned before. Not the sort which are the same pad as in shorts, but those with a thinner, towelling or fleece type padding. Mine are Altura, one pair are in need of replacement but typically now discontinued so I'll have to search alternatives.
For non padded underwear, I'm currently using Step-One boxers, which I've been pretty pleased with, I could probably wear them for all my riding, but as I said before sometimes it's better to err on the side of caution.
Never tried bibs, so have no opinion on them.
For touring, I use this combination:
> liner shorts with a pad. Liners are thin & light, with a loose weave. Mine are from Ground Effect, here: ( I've found these to be fabulously comfortable. On hot/sticky days, I wear them as is. There are various brands around.
> over these, I wear 3/4 length knickers. Various sources, but I bought mine from an outfit in Pittsburgh, Aerotech, here: (
For day rides, I usually use standard lycra cycling shorts with a pad. Mine are from Ground Effect, but again, there are many brands available.
My saddle is a 10-yr-old Brooks B17 Champion. Have tried others (& might do so again), but this is so far always the most comfy, as it was right out of the box. According to Thorn's sizing chart, I have a "relaxed" (IIRC) posture while riding. Of course, I use the drops in headwinds, and sometimes just as a change of position; but my bar clamp is 2" above the nose of my saddle, and the outer/upper edges of my rando bars are another 1" or so higher still.
There's no orthodoxy here -- it's a matter of finding out what works best for you & your bottom, and staying with that. That may take a while, as there are several variables at play. Then, of course, once you've found the best fit for yourself, "yourself" changes, esp as one gets older.
I'm right off bib whatevers myself. A few years ago I found a killer deal on some insulated 3/4 bibs. Really expensive new. Walking on air delighted till I wore them.
Bib straps went under my jersey (and under the rain jacket worn atop the jersey) 'cos if jersey went under the straps, the length made a wad in the small of my back and I couldn't use the oh so handy rear jersey pockets.
With straps under the jersey, all was workable until the first stop naturelle, so to speak and oops! In the pouring rain, the jacket had to come off, then the jersey, then the bib straps before initiating the Mission for which I'd stopped and by then, it was cutting it close on timing and by the time I finished the pelting rain had soaked me.
Really wanted to like them and loved the lack of a tight drawstring at the waist, but so much less convenient than merely pulling down my shorts to answer Nature's Call. Bibs have such adherents, I always wondered if I'd gotten it wrong somehow....
Best, Dan.
I’ve pair of Corrine Dennis 3/4 bibs. I’ve found them very comfortable and without that cheese wire effect. Ouch! Personally I find bibs good for keeping my lower back warm/er but it’s a bit of a faff when nature calls.
Just purchased a coupe different pairs of smartwool merino underwear to give it a shot . Wasn’t cheap . But I’ve been impressed with how less sweaty drenched a pair of merino wool socks were after a cycle . Well, I think they were merino
One of the advantages of merino is the ability to stay odour-free for long periods with a consequent reduced need for trips to the laundry.