Miscellaneous > Thorn Cycling Forum Policy and Administration

Email addresses on new forum


It appears as though the default for the new Thorn forum is to show everyone's email address. I'm not quite sure, but I don't think this was the case before the change.

In this day and age, I think it is probably not a good idea to show your personal address on a forum. (Even as trustworthy as the posters on this forum are, it has been known to attract spammers!)

I went to my profile and hid my address, and recommend that everyone do the same.

Andrew C

Hi ahconway,

Thank you for pointing that out. It's true that in thesedays we should be carefull when giving out our email addresses over the Internet. That's why I often used tran [at] sjscycles.com rather than the real email address.

I've changed the default setting for email to 'hidden'. Before the change, the old forum didn't have the ability to show user's email address.

Thanks again!

For some reason I am getting an email for every new message.  I went into my profile and dont see an option for this.  I did set it to send me a message when I get a private message but this is different.  Help  How do I make it stop?


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