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Carradice super c

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Good New Year to everyone and hope that wind is behind you!  Could anyone with Northern European (wet) touring experience give me any advice regarding buying a set of Carradice Super C panniers?  I like the size of the bags (bigger than Ortlieb) the look of the bags (tough,but not too flash to try and run off with) etc  .... The bags appear a lot on southern/drier touring kit lists...but can they keep that wet stuff off your camping/sleeping gear if you head North?
your thoughts are appreciated.

I use Super Cs cycle camping in the UK.
I have experienced enough rain to even wash the A7 away at Langholm.

I have found my bags keep the rain out.
The material can get wet and I keep a supermarket 'bag for life' in each as insurance, but I have yet to find the inside getting wet.

After 5 years use I purchased some of the carradice wax and treated mine to a layer, spread by cloth and then heat soaked in with a hair dryer. I am not sure if this was necessary, but it does no harm except it makes dust cling easier to the bags.

The capacity is excellent, probably encourages me to take too much...

Brilliant,thanks. I look forward to treating my sherpa to these legendary bags.


I've always wondered if the cotton bags are a bit like the old cotton tents -- waterproof until you touch them, the surface tension is altered, and the water comes through?  I'm guessing the wax works to prevent wetting-out?  At any rate, you sound like the fellow to ask, and it would be nice to put this question aside.  Certainly, the cotton Carradice bags have a wonderful, classic look that really can't be matched in modern materials.  Nothing says "expedition" quite like a Carradice, at least to my mind.



I used to use several and still have one of those old cotton tents. They are superb in hot sunny weather but miserable in prolonged rain.
When family camping I used to be like a gramophone record - "don't touch the tent or it will let rain in".

Some years ago I was camped with my then young family and a depression came and sat over the area for 3 days giving us continuous heavy rain. We decamped to nearby grandparents after a day leaving the tents up.
Once the rain cleared up we came back and found that the old cotton pup tent had a sleeping mat afloat in the water inside it!
We soon got everything dried out, the children thought it was a great adventure.

The Super Cs are the opposite, they just never have let any water in or through for me and they get tested regularly in the UK.
The material is so dense and thick that it works like the old cotton Ventile garments.
Waxing seems to leave the material working the same, the outside can get and feel wet, the inside is dry.

I have tried just about every brand of quality pannier commonly available here in the UK except Ortlieb, they have all been very good but the Carradice Super Cs are my favourite.


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