Thorn Cycles Forum

Community => Thorn General => Topic started by: liflawless on January 10, 2013, 08:36:19 am

Title: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: liflawless on January 10, 2013, 08:36:19 am
What’s the best time of life?I think the best time of life is getting old slowly with the right man.
[Admin edit to remove commercial links typical of spam or stealth marketing; topic is fine. -- Dan.]
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: Matt2matt2002 on January 10, 2013, 09:48:41 am
I am going to be 60 this year and I have never been happier.
Fewer money worries and the realisation that the race is over but I still have plenty of gas left in the tank.
No need to prove anything to anyone else. And plenty of experiences to draw on, so less chance of making mistakes.

Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: brummie on January 10, 2013, 10:34:21 am
Still waiting..... :D
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: bikepacker on January 10, 2013, 11:33:06 am
Whenever that question has been posed I've given the same answer. NOW
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: jags on January 10, 2013, 11:59:07 am
my teenage years when music probably was  the best its ever been brings great memorys back to me so for me the late  60's .I find these days what with been out of work and been broke most of the time things can be hard, i scrubbed last year as one of the worst years i can remember so far the naughtys are not great for me.but as the man said they can only get worse so cheer up brother your not dead yet. :-\
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: Andre Jute on January 10, 2013, 03:35:52 pm
An entire branch of the medical profession didn't expect me to make it out of my twenties when I indulged in all kinds of dangerous activities and had a high-stress job besides. Forty years later...

I can't remember when I wasn't happy, so I agree with Bikepacker: now is the best time of life, whatever time of your life it is now. Off for a short ride.

Andre Jute
A cheerful sod
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: triaesthete on January 11, 2013, 01:58:25 am

Definitely now! Particularly as I'm not hungry or in pain and my family are asleep upstairs. Mind you good memories can make now nicer.

Do I detect guerrilla marketing of carbon wheels here too?

Happy today
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: Danneaux on January 11, 2013, 02:33:57 am
Do I detect guerrilla marketing of carbon wheels here too?

Definitely, Ian. I'm going to have a little talk...the topic is fine, but not use of the Forum in violation of policy (listed here: )

Sometimes, unfamilarity or language can cause unintended violations.

All the best,

Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: energyman on January 11, 2013, 02:55:55 pm
I am going to be 60 this year and I have never been happier.
Fewer money worries and the realisation that the race is over but I still have plenty of gas left in the tank.
No need to prove anything to anyone else. And plenty of experiences to draw on, so less chance of making mistakes.

Other than 65 instead of 60 I agree wholeheartedly.
As the man said "life is good". :)
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: NZPeterG on January 12, 2013, 06:53:17 am
Ha Ha,
(Dan knows this one for Me)
It's for being Alive! (again)
Getting into the Plane with Flying Doctors to Kenya and being saved  ;D

Do NOT get ill in Sudan! it may cost you your life.

O it's just good to be alive  :-*

Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: Danneaux on January 12, 2013, 07:04:21 am
(Dan knows this one for Me)
It's for being Alive! (again)
Annnnnd...we're just awfully glad you *did* make it, Pete, and are here with us.
A very, very serious illness -- as bad as it can possibly get for what you had -- and you came out the other end.

There's a few of us in the "Survivor's Club" on here. Doing so really does make the breezes blow a little softer, the sun shine a little warmer -- just for still being here. 'Don't know what the future holds, but the present (for being in it) means an awful lot.

All the best,

Dan. (...who's just glad to be here too!)
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: Mike Ayling on January 15, 2013, 01:31:45 am
I am a 1942 model and things are going pretty well except for the odd ache from time to time.

Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: peter jenkins on January 15, 2013, 07:04:39 am
All you have to remember is that These are the Good Old Days...
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: Andybg on January 15, 2013, 09:00:40 am
Having had a mid ife crisis at 30 and retiring from commercial life to a sleepy hollow in Bulgaria; at 40 (next month) I am fit, healthy, happy and almost financialy stable.

Not sure what the best time of life is but am much happier for being out of the rat race. Hopefully the best is still to come. (Only 2 more rooms to be done and the 7 year project of rebuilding the house will be done!!!)

Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: jags on January 15, 2013, 10:40:16 am
good stuff andy way to go bet theres a lot of guys on here this morning wishing there were in the sa me boat  me included ::)
Title: Re: What’s the best time of life?
Post by: Andre Jute on January 15, 2013, 03:55:35 pm
All you have to remember is that These are the Good Old Days...

And may you all live long enough to become very, very boring about THESE Good Old Days.

Andre Jute