Technical > Luggage

What to do when your rack fails

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--- Quote --- There had not been enough brass applied and so the eyelet was only being held on on the edge.
--- End quote ---
<nods> Yep, a classic "cold" joint that did not wick enough brass into the interface.

Stellar job by all involved. Yay! and Double-Yay! To Dave, SJS Cycles/Thorn and Bob Jackson. So pleased and happy for you.

All the best,


Great job by all! Enjoy your South African tour!

Glad you got sorted out.

On a different tack, if you're looking for company while you're in South Africa, give us a shout - I'll send you a PM with my contact details.  You don't mention if you'll be touring independantly but if you are I can help arrange accomodation with friends and relatives across the country if you're needing a place to stay.


small tin of smooth hammerite should do the job.
aren't you the lucky one living beside a top class frame builder.
class job enjoy your tour sounds epic.



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