Community > Rohloff Internal Hub Gears

I finally got a Rohloff....

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...not on my Thorn Sherpa, but it's still a cool bike and I am looking forward to seeing if I end up as a rabidly loyal Rohloff fanatic or not!... ;)

Very cool and practical machine Vik!

If you were tempted to try a Rohloff in the first place i think you will be more likely than not to become a convert - especially as it going to be used for touring.



Well, there is a short learning curve to get used to the differences with a derailleur system.  Once you are through that, there are a lot of pros and some minor cons that quickly disappear as listed elsewhere on the forum. If you are a high mileage user who doesn't want closely spaced gear ratios (your picture suggests you'll not be racing!) or lots to tinker with, I doubt you'll regret your decision.
Have fun.


I had the opportunity to get my Rohloff out to the mtns for a heavily overloaded tour last weekend:

Everything worked well.  I did on one occasion suffer some slippage in the drive train...every so often the cranks would move forward 1/4 revolution with no resistance and then work normally again.  I shifted down then back to the gear I was in [4th I think] and the problem went away.


--- Quote from: vik on May 23, 2008, 03:17:53 pm ---  I did on one occasion suffer some slippage in the drive train...every so often the cranks would move forward 1/4 revolution with no resistance and then work normally again.  I shifted down then back to the gear I was in [4th I think] and the problem went away.

--- End quote ---

I haven't experienced this, but I understand it can happen if the shifter cables are too tight, there should be a bit of slack felt at the shifter, enough to gently rock it before it engages the hub.  Could this be what's causing your problem?

Interesting looking bike, I don't think I've seen anything like it, should do away with the silly notion of lightweight touring ;)


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